
Innovative programs
built just for you.

Your journey to complete relaxation starts right now. The combination of pure natural ingredients, the touch of a professional therapist and the relaxing paradise-like setting will ensure a pampering time of rejuvenation.

Pagani Body Sculpting

Most effective fat removal & toning. Relaxing cool & heat, non-invasive, gentle, safe.

One Body Area Fat Removal, or Cellulite, Toning, Slimming (abdomen, love handles, thighs, buttocks, or arms)

2 Thermography images - before/after

2 Bio Code Tests - before/after

Body Sculpt Pro

5 Treatment Plan - For small areas
8 Treatment Plan (For stubborn fat)

Lean & Clean - Amazing Weight Loss

Belly Fat Buster

2 - Bio Code Tests - before/after

10 - Whole Body Cryos

10 - Infrared Saunas Elite (30 min)

1 - Slim Shake by 9 Corners Canister

1- Fasting Mimicking 5-Day Meal Box

The Ultimate

Non Members

The Reset - Fasting Mimicking

5-Day Fasting Mimicking - Research by Buck Institute, NIH, USC

2 - Bio Code Tests - before/after

1 - Fasting Mimicking 5-Day Meal Box

1 - Slim Shake or Protein Whey Canister

The Reset

Non Members

The Athlete

Annihilate the Root of Pain. Bones, Joints, Muscles, Nerves.

2 - Acupuncture Treatments

2 - Massages (60 min)

4 - Whole Body Cryo Sessions

Relaxing & Rejuvenating

One Price

Clear Skin for Acne

This program is the 1-2-3 punch that annihilates acne from deep below the skin and also topically for smooth polished skin. Our Signature Clear Skin Facial gives skin a deep clean. Next, our therapeutic cryo skin therapy minimizes blemish sites, size, pain, swelling and redness. It also kills surface bacteria that can live on the skin’s surface. Collagen production is activated to help repair acne marks. Our BioGlycolic Face Cleanser by Jan Marini continues success at home between treatments and wards off future break outs.

4-8 - Signature Clear Skin Acne Facials

4-8 - Cryo Wand Treatments

1 - BioGlycolic Face Cleanser by Jan Marini

4 Treatment Program (ideal for light acne on face)
8 Treatment Program (ideal for deeper acne on face, chest, back)

The Detox

Reduce Inflammation & Toxins

2 - Bio Code Tests (before/after)

5 - Acupuncture Treatments (60 min)

5 - Infrared Saunas Elite (30 min)

5 - Whole Body Cryo Sessions

1 - D3 5000 by 9 Corners

1 - Amazing Mag by 9 Corners

Gentle, Natural, Safe, Fun

One Price